Monday, December 31, 2018

A Different New Year's Resolution - Can it really work?

Like many of you, I have new year resolutions which I never stick to.  I usually fail even before Chinese New Year which is why I looked towards other inspirations to achieve those really hard to reach goals that require dedication and in some case lots of denial.

I achieve at work, but at work there are consequences of not delivering. That said, I don’t think that is the only reason I’m more successful inside the work place. At work I’m organised, I have plans which I execute against which are all written down!

That’s why I read Write It Down Make ItHappen by Henriette Anne Klauser so I could achieve the same level of results outside work for the things I really want.  On my list there’s the usual health, travel and financial security goals: This blog is my journey to completing all my writing goals, because that’s what I really love doing. Writing books and engaging with my fellow authors and readers, who love books too.

So goodbye 2018, I’m looking forward to starting anew in 2019!