Saturday, January 5, 2019

Finishing is the hardest part of writing

Finishing is definitely the hardest part of writing. You write a novel, go back through it, edit it and ask a few people you trust for feedback.  Then you analyze the feedback and do another few rewrites.  Then you have to do a synopsis, a pitch and a query letter if you're trying to get an agent or publishing house to take you on, the formats differ and as this is your only chance to get noticed, they need to be perfect.  If you self publish, you're having to invest time in how you market your book, which genre to classify it under... You get the picture - it's a lot of work and at no point do you ever feel it is truly finished.

Why am I telling you all of this?  Well, I'm entering #PitchWars and just when I thought I was ready (and a month early too) I realised my Synopsis was the wrong format and my trusted Query Letter needed rework.

So instead of working on my new novel, I'm back to the drawing board.  I'm disappointed, but completing each of my writing goals isn't enough. I want to succeed in them, so entering #PitchWars isn't sufficient, I want to do well - I want to win!

Goals (the ones that really matter) aren't easy to achieve for no reason.  They take time and dedication, Writing It Down just reinforces the message and helps you see them through to the end.

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