I decided to make this one of my goals because I like a challenge, it's great connecting with other writers (all of which are super nice and helpful) and it's a great way to get creative. I feel energised and excited coming up with new tales, and I'm going to use my new writing software WriteItNow to do all my story outlining, so I'll get to learn the software at the same time.
See how being organised helps you achieve multiple goals?
Being organised is the single most important quality I've taken from all the many books I've read about achieving and obtaining your goals. My career (the one that pays the rent) took off when I read The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey and I got my first personal organizer.
Every week without fail, I planned out what I needed to get done. Guess what? I got more done, got promotions and started earning some good money for the first time in my life. So by applying this same process to my personal goals the result should be the same, right?
This is why I decided to give Write it Down, Make it happen a go, because by writing things down (note writing/not typing) it somehow makes it more real (don't ask me how), it keeps these thoughts in your active mind and at all times you end up working on them, even if you are not aware you are doing so.
I'm no psychologist, but it works and ever since I wrote down all my writing goals, I have found an increase in my focus and drive.
So 1st January - I'm on my way to completing 2 of my goals! Good luck to all of you with your own writing aspirations!
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